Unwritten rules of UK motoring - but could they get you into trouble?
Reckon you know the unwritten rules that govern our roads? We list them all, and find out if you could actually get into trouble with the law by obeying them...
From the Highway Code to Acts of Parliament, there’s plenty of scripture to dictate the dos and don’ts of driving in the UK.Image 1 of 16
But as any driver will know, there are conduct and etiquette conventions followed by many motorists that won’t be found in any rulebook or guide. The question is, could you get into trouble by following them?
To answer that, we not only dug out our copy of the Highway Code, but spoke to Neil Greig, director of policy & research at leading UK road safety charity IAM Roadsmart.
From flashing your lights to clearing the inside lane, we’re here to breakdown, expose and discuss the unwritten rules of UK motoring:
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